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.htaccess hiding string from URL 301 Redirects (including special character?)

My sites are have just been redirected to HTTPS from HTTP using htaccess. Since the sites show index.php? in the URL structure. I am unsure why its doing this.

Originally it was showing the following: https://www.example.com.au/index.php?/rest-of-URL

Using the following code in htaccess I was able to limit it down to: https://www.example.com.au/?/rest-of-URL

RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^GET.*index\.php\?/ [NC]
RewriteRule (.*?)index\.php? / [R=301,NE,L]

I need to remove the ?/ from the URL using htaccess

Please someone help :(

I resolved the issue by changing internal links for all pages instead. Thank you for everyone's help. If you have a solution that actually fixes it via the htaccess file I would be extremely interested. Thanks

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