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Access a WCF service, hosted in a Windows Service with mobile device

I am trying to access a WCF service hosted in a windows service with an android device. I've gone through the xamarin tutorial for consuming an WCF service hosted in IIS, and through an tutorial for hosting WCF with a Windows service and access it with a console application.
Up to now, I've tried to cross those two solutions, but nothing worked. All I can get out of that is, that a FileNotFoundException is caught, saying that is misses the ServiceReferences.ClientConfig in the / directory. So I've tried to embed this file (which was created by the SLsvcUtil), but nothing worked.
Everytime I call Open , or AddAsync or something I get an ReferenceNullException.
So, whats the correct way to connect to an WindowsService hosted WCF service with an mobile device?

Ok, i got it to work properly:

I worked myself through the tutorial on CodeProject again. After that, I created an additional android project and added the poxy class. As I was unable to use the App.Config file, I defined the binding in code. The async methods will fail for some reason, but packing them into a Task.Run and awaiting that just works fine as well:

void InitializeServiceConnection()
    EndpointAddress ea = new EndpointAddress("http://x.x.x.x:9001/CalcService");
    BasicHttpBinding bhttpb = new BasicHttpBinding()
        Security = new BasicHttpSecurity()
              Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.None,
              Transport = new HttpTransportSecurity()
                    ProxyCredentialType = HttpProxyCredentialType.None,
                    ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.None
        BypassProxyOnLocal = true
    objCalcClient2 = new CalcServiceClient(bhttpb, ea);

    async void DoStuff()
        dblResult = await Task.Run<double>(delegate { return objCalcClient2.Add(dblX, dblY); });
        WriteLine(string.Format("Calling Add >>  X : {0:F2}  Y : {1:F2} Result : {2:F2}", dblX, dblY, dblResult));
        dblResult = await Task.Run<double>(() => { return objCalcClient2.Subtract(dblX, dblY); });
        WriteLine(string.Format("Calling Sub >>  X : {0:F2}  Y : {1:F2} Result : {2:F2}", dblX, dblY, dblResult));
        dblResult = await Task.Run<double>(() => { return objCalcClient2.Multiply(dblX, dblY); });
        WriteLine(string.Format("Calling Mul >>  X : {0:F2}  Y : {1:F2} Result : {2:F2}", dblX, dblY, dblResult));
        dblResult = await Task.Run<double>(() => { return objCalcClient2.Divide(dblX, dblY); });
        WriteLine(string.Format("Calling Div >>  X : {0:F2}  Y : {1:F2} Result : {2:F2}", dblX, dblY, dblResult));

    void WriteLine(string Text)
        tvConsole.Text += System.Environment.NewLine + Text;

I am not sure if I have to populate the Transport property to get an unsecured and unauthenticated connection but it worked. Thats all I want.

But the best thing is, this also works in an Xamarin.Forms project as part of the PCL-Library.

private void Initialize()
        EndpointAddress ea = new EndpointAddress("http://x.x.x.x:9001/CalcService");
        BasicHttpBinding bhttpb = new BasicHttpBinding();
        bhttpb.Security.Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.None;
        objCalcClient2 = new CalcServiceClient(bhttpb, ea);

    public async void DoStuff()
        dblResult = await Task.Run<double>(delegate { return objCalcClient2.Add(dblX, dblY); });
        WriteLine(string.Format("Calling Add >>  X : {0:F2}  Y : {1:F2} Result : {2:F2}", dblX, dblY, dblResult));
        dblResult = await Task.Run<double>(() => { return objCalcClient2.Subtract(dblX, dblY); });
        WriteLine(string.Format("Calling Sub >>  X : {0:F2}  Y : {1:F2} Result : {2:F2}", dblX, dblY, dblResult));
        dblResult = await Task.Run<double>(() => { return objCalcClient2.Multiply(dblX, dblY); });
        WriteLine(string.Format("Calling Mul >>  X : {0:F2}  Y : {1:F2} Result : {2:F2}", dblX, dblY, dblResult));
        dblResult = await Task.Run<double>(() => { return objCalcClient2.Divide(dblX, dblY); });
        WriteLine(string.Format("Calling Div >>  X : {0:F2}  Y : {1:F2} Result : {2:F2}", dblX, dblY, dblResult));

    void WriteLine(string Text)

I thought I had to implement this for each device, but no, WCF can be shared too.

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