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Polymorphism and Function Overloading?

I have a Base class, and a Derived class of Base

struct Base{};
struct Derived: public Base{};

I want to make a function that accepts Base* , but has different functionality when passed a Derived* .

void myFunc(Base* base){
 std::cout << "myFunc(base)" << std::endl; 

void myFunc(Derived* derived){
 std::cout << "myFunc(derived)" << std::endl;

My problem is when I try to use polymorphism, the function doesn't behave as desired because I'm always passing Base* 's.

Base* base = new Base();
Base* derived = new Derived();




Desired outputs:


The reason I can't use casting like - (Derived*)derived - is because I'm using an array of Base*

#include <iostream>

struct Base{};    
struct Derived: public Base{};

void myFunc(Base* base){
 std::cout << "myFunc(base)" << std::endl; 

void myFunc(Derived* derived){
 std::cout << "myFunc(derived)" << std::endl;

void myFunc(Base** bases, size_t count){
 for(auto i = 0; i < count; i++){

int main(){
 Base* bases[2];
 bases[0] = new Base();
 bases[1] = new Derived();

 myFunc(bases, 2);

The reason I can't make myFunc a virtual member function of base, is because I want to encapsulate myFunc 's functionality in a separate class to avoid a monolithic base class.

#include <iostream>

struct Base{};

struct Derived: public Base{};

struct DoesStuff{
 void doStuff(Base* base){
  std::cout << "doStuff(base)" << std::endl; 

 void doStuff(Derived* derived){
  std::cout << "doStuff(derived)" << std::endl;

 void doStuff(Base** bases, size_t count){
  for(auto i = 0; i < count; i++){

struct DoesOtherStuff{
 void doOtherStuff(Base* base){
  std::cout << "doOtherStuff(base)" << std::endl; 

 void doOtherStuff(Derived* derived){
  std::cout << "doOtherStuff(derived)" << std::endl;

 void doOtherStuff(Base** bases, size_t count){
  for(auto i = 0; i < count; i++){

int main(){
 Base* bases[2];
 bases[0] = new Base();
 bases[1] = new Derived();

 DoesStuff stuffDoer;
 DoesOtherStuff otherStuffDoer;

 stuffDoer.doStuff(bases, 2);
 otherStuffDoer.doOtherStuff(bases, 2);

How do I get myFunc to know a Base* is secretly a Derived* . I think I could use typeid , but I'm not sure that's the most appropriate solution. Correct me if I'm wrong.

In order to get this to work via polymorphism is to do the following:

  1. Create a virtual member function in the Base class that does what you want to do for Base classes.

  2. Override that member function in the Derived class and have it do what you want for Derived classes.

That's the essence of polymorphism. The reason it doesn't work for your non-member or free function is because they are both passed Base class pointers.

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