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How can I open a new display when outgoing call is made in android?

I am trying to open an intent when outgoing call is made. But the app crashes. Am i missing something or this cannot be done? Or is there a way to open a different screen (activity/fragment) between call creation event and receiver's receiving call event ?

From the Android Developers Blog :

Listening for outgoing call requests

Apps that provide phone calling services (such as VOIP or number management) can set up Intent filters to handle outgoing call requests, such as those made from the Dialer or other installed apps. This provides a seamless integration for the user, who can transition directly to the calling service without having to redial or launch another app.

When the user initiates a call, the system notifies interested apps by sending an ordered broadcast of the NEW_OUTGOING_CALL Intent, attaching the original phone number, URI, and other information as extras. This gives apps such as Google Voice and others a chance to modify, reroute, or cancel the call before it's passed to the system's default phone app.

If you want your phone calling app to be able to handle outgoing call requests, implement a broadcast receiver that receives the NEW_OUTGOING_CALL Intent, processes the number, and initiates a call as needed. Make sure to declare an intent filter for NEW_OUTGOING_CALL in the receiver, to let the system know that your app is interested in the broadcast. You'll also need to request the PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS permission in order to receive the Intent.

Note that the system broadcasts NEW_OUTGOING_CALL only for numbers that are not associated with core dialing capabilities such as emergency numbers. This means that NEW_OUTGOING_CALL can not interfere with access to emergency services the way your use of CALL_PRIVILEGED might.

Here's an example broadcast receiver declared in an app's manifest file:

 <manifest> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS" /> <application> ... <receiver android:name=MyOutgoingCallHandler"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.NEW_OUTGOING_CALL" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> </intent-filter> </receiver> ... </application> </manifest> 

The implementation of the corresponding broadcast receiver would look something like this:

 public class MyOutgoingCallHandler extends BroadcastReceiver { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { // Extract phone number reformatted by previous receivers String phoneNumber = getResultData(); if (phoneNumber == null) { // No reformatted number, use the original phoneNumber = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PHONE_NUMBER); } // My app will bring up the call, so cancel the broadcast setResultData(null); // Start my app to bring up the call ... } } 

Because the NEW_OUTGOING_CALL broadcast is ordered, your app can choose whether to consume the call request itself or simply process the number and pass the result data on to other apps that may be interested. In this example, the broadcast receiver brings up a phone call on it's own service and sets the result data to null. This prevents the call request from reaching the default phone app.

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