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'OutOfMemoryException' reading 20mb XLSX file

I'm using NPOI to deal with Excel files. Here's how I'm reading files:

using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(excelFilePath))
    IWorkbook wb = WorkbookFactory.Create(stream);

However, for any XLSX file larger than a few megabytes, it causes memory usage to shot up to about 1GB and eventually throw an OOM exception.

Doing some research, I've found out that, strangely, loading a workbook from a File rather than a Stream results in less memory consumption by POI. The closest C# equivalent to the provided Java examples I've come up with to use Files is the following:

OPCPackage pkg = OPCPackage.Open(new FileInfo(excelFilePath));
XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(pkg);

But it seems to use the same underlying implementation since the memory usage is still the same and causes OutOfMemory exceptions.

Does NPOI have anything built-in for handling large XLSX files?

Suggestions on alternative libraries that can handle both XLS and XLSX files are also welcome.

It seems XLSX support is rather new in NPOI and it simply can't handle large files yet.

After trying a few libraries, EPPlus was able to process the large XLSX file without a hitch, so I finally settled on having two libraries for reading in Excel files, NPOI for XLS and EPPlus for XLSX.

As a suggestion for alternative libraries, a good one is Apache POI . I've used it extensively for both XLSX and XLS files and it does the job well. Here's a gist to do a quick test on your file.

The only format Apache POI doesn't cover is the old format XML files for which Xelem can be used instead.

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