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How can I do a insert a new Date with Spring Data MongoDB?

How can I insert new Date with Spring Data MongoDB?

I'm currently resorting to

User = new User();
user.setCreationDate(new Date());

to solve the problem, but the end result is that a user is saved with the current time of the server that is running the code, instead of the current time of the server that is running the database.

Since this code will run in several instances on several servers in parallel, and the servers might have slightly different times, I'd like to replicate the exact same behaviour I would get from doing a

db.users.insert({'creationDate': new ISODate()}) 

diretly in the mongo shell.

How can this be achieved with Sprint-Data-MongoDB?

you can achieve this consistently by using spring-data audit feature

In order to enable auditing we need to add < mongo:auditing/ > tag to Spring configuration.

Auditing let you declaratively tell Spring to store:

  • date when the document has been created: @CreatedDate
  • date when the document has been updated last time: @LastModifiedDate
  • the user who has created the document: @CreatedBy
  • the user who has done the most recent update: @LastModifiedBy
  • current document version: @Version

For our use case if we combine javax.persistence jar date style and mongodb auditing we get new ISODate() always by using the following declaration

@DateTimeFormat(style = "M-") 
private Date createdDate; 

This way you can create new Date using spring-data-mongodb

@Column(updatable = false)
    private LocalDateTime createdAt;

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