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PHP - fopen: failed to open stream: Permission denied

I'm new to PHP. I planned to create folder, sub folder, into that file depends on user Input.

Folder and sub folders has been created successfully.

Finally I try to create a file its showing bellow error.

fopen(upload/localhost/hrms): failed to open stream: Permission denied in C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\ssspider\\index.php on line 205

My code is:

$dir = "http://localhost:8080/hrms/index.php";

//make directory
$directoryForServer = "upload";
$directoryForClient = $directoryForServer."/".$host."";

$splitePath = explode("/", $folderPath);

$folderPath1 = $directoryForClient;

for($x = 1; $x <= (count($splitePath)-1) ; $x++)
    $folderPath1 = $folderPath1."/".$splitePath[$x];
    echo "<br>".$folderPath1." - successfully created<br>";


function writefile($dir)
 if( is_dir($dir)){
    echo $dir;

    $myFile = fopen($dir,"w");
        fwrite($myFile, $returned_content);

Please help me to find out my problem?

Edit: Thanks. I got an error. In fopen I didn't mention file name . Now its working fine. Thanks

because you open a directory , fopen function just open file. your code is fill with error , just Refer to the following:


//make directory
$host = "aa";         //define $host variable
$directoryForServer = "upload";
$directoryForClient = $directoryForServer."/".$host."";

$splitePath = explode("/", $directoryForClient);
$folderPath1 = $directoryForClient;

for($x = 1; $x <= (count($splitePath)-1) ; $x++)
    $folderPath1 = $folderPath1."/".$splitePath[$x];
    echo "<br>".$folderPath1." - successfully created<br>2";


function writefile($dir)
 if( is_dir($dir)){
    echo $dir;
    $myFile = fopen("upload/aa.txt","w");
        $returned_content = "hello world";  //define variable and his content before write to file.
        fwrite($myFile, $returned_content);

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