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After maven project imported in Intellij IDE all java option missing

I'm using iIntelli IDEA ultimate 15. I created a maven project from console as: mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.maum.spring -DartifactId=CounterWebAppMasum -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp -DinteractiveMode=false

When I import it in IDE all Java option missing such as make new package, class, etc. How can I bring Java options after import maven project in iIntelli IDEA ultimate 15? Please check the picture :-


UPDATED information.

I created directory structure and add a java file. But it doesn't recognize as java project. Check the following pic:-


I think its because IntelliJ has missed that its a Java Project.

Right click on the Java directory and select 'Mark Directory As' from the context menu, then Select "source root"

You might have to manually set the type in the project module settings, press F4

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