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How can I get data from a fingerprint scanner in to a NodeJS application?

I am trying to setup a fingerprint recorder in NodeJS but am struggling to find not only the hardware but also the process which would allow me to get this data in to NodeJS.

I understand that fingerprint scanners normally store the result as a string of numbers. This is the information I want to store. If I am incorrect please correct me!

Your best bet and quickest method of development and implementation would be to make use of the libfprint library. http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/fprint/libfprint/

Use of node-gyp ( https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp ) to provide access to the library coupled with the nan toolkit ( https://github.com/nodejs/nan ) would provide native access through node.js to the multiple fingerprint scanners and at the very least a way to compare biometric data.

While I am not certain of the output formats that the libfprint library can provide and if those confirm to the current standard variants provided by NIST (PFTII, MINEX and SlapSegII) those resources would at least give you the desired access to a fairly wide selection of devices.

For some resources on making use of node.js extensions see the following:

https://nodejs.org/api/addons.html https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples http://charlyraffellini.github.io/Write-a-nodejs-addon-native-extension/

I found this library for ZKTeco devices like the SF100 fingerprint scanner. https://github.com/caobo171/node-zklib It can access over ethernet on a specific ip address.

Did you get what you needed. If yes, can you please help me guiding me which hardware to buy and how to implement? I'm a newbie in ElectronJS and somehow I've to implement a Fingerprint sensor in my ElectronJS app!

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