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Creating a filter for an added column in a table CGridView (Yii)

So I'm kinda new to Yii, and in my project, I needed to add and extra column containing data from another table in the database. I need to implement the filtering for this column too, and from what I've read, I need to add it to the search function in the model, but I can't seem to pull it off. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

This is the view (the added column is 'areaReservada')

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
    'itemsCssClass'=>"table table-striped",
                'header'=>'<p style="color: black">Número de reserva</p>',
                'header'=>'<p style="color: black">Fecha de Reserva</p>',
                'header'=>'<p style="color: black">Área Reservada</p>',

This area my search function and the rules set in my model

  public function search() { $criteria=new CDbCriteria; $criteria->compare('idreserva',$this->idreserva); $criteria->compare('fecha',$this->fecha,true); $criteria->compare('motivo',$this->motivo,true); $criteria->compare('monto',$this->monto); $criteria->compare('responsable',$this->responsable,true); $criteria->compare('estadoReserva_idestadoReserva',$this->estadoReserva_idestadoReserva); $criteria->compare('usuario_idusuario',$this->usuario_idusuario); return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array( 'criteria'=>$criteria,)); } public function rules() { return array(array('estadoReserva_idestadoReserva,usuario_idusuario', 'required'), array('estadoReserva_idestadoReserva, usuario_idusuario','numerical', 'integerOnly'=>true),array('monto','numerical'), array('motivo, responsable', 'length', 'max'=>45), array('fecha', 'safe'), array('idreserva, fecha, motivo, monto, responsable,estadoReserva_idestadoReserva, usuario_idusuario', 'safe',> 'on'=>'search'), ); } 

To filter using new added extra column, you have to make following changes in your model as:

// For example, new extra column is 'areaReservada'.
public $areaReservada;

public function rules() {
    return array(
        array('areaReservada', 'safe'),

public function relations() {
    return array(
        'other_model' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'OtherModel', 'foreign_key'),

public function search() {
    $criteria = new CDbCriteria;

    $criteria->with = array('other_model');

    $criteria->compare('idreserva', $this->idreserva);
    $criteria->compare('fecha', $this->fecha, true);
    $criteria->compare('motivo', $this->motivo, true);
    $criteria->compare('monto', $this->monto);
    $criteria->compare('responsable', $this->responsable, true);
    $criteria->compare('estadoReserva_idestadoReserva', $this->estadoReserva_idestadoReserva);
    $criteria->compare('usuario_idusuario', $this->usuario_idusuario);
    $criteria->compare('other_model.column', $this->areaReservada); // Compare value contained in 'areaReservada' with column of other model to be filtered

    return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(
      'criteria' => $criteria,

Hope this help you! Let me know if there is any concern from this.

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