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Create lightning in OpenGL ES 1.1

I need to create good looking lightning using OpenGL ES 1.1 (iPhone) and was planning on using shaders. However, when I asked about it in a previous question ( OpenGL ES 1.x Shaders ) I was informed there that this was probably not an option on the iPhone.

So now I am back at square one, wondering how I might make a lightning animation. It does not need to look ultra-realistic. I have already tried to use things like triangles stripped together. While this method does work, it is not as good as I had hoped it would look.

Does anyone have any ideas on the subject?

Thanks again,

Try using a triangle strip textured with a gradient from black to a low-saturation blue or purple, to white. Set your blending to additive (GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE).

通常的方法是使用 Perlin 函数计算闪电的路径,将其渲染到发光缓冲区,使用高斯模糊着色器创建漂亮的模糊,然后将其与您的场景合并。

You could maybe adapt the code from this project . Although it's not ObjC/C, it does use OpenGL.

Here is an article that describes the effect in more detail and provides a VB/DirectX implementation.



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