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test JNI on Hadoop using MapReduce

[I try to run a JNI program on Hadoop using MapReduce.Here is the command:

bin/hadoop jar /Users/ming/Desktop/mctest/mctest.jar -files /Users/ming/Desktop/mctest/libGenerateRandom.jnilib mc hdfs://localhost:9000/Users/ming/seeds_shuffle.txt hdfs://localhost:9000/Users/ming/output

The jnilib(It's a file on Mac OS X just like .so file on Linux) should be sent to tasknode with the jar file.But I got an error below:] 1

Anyone can help? Thanks.

Instead use:

bin/hadoop jar /Users/ming/Desktop/mctest/mctest.jar \
<main-class> \
-files /Users/ming/Desktop/mctest/libGenerateRandom.jnilib \
mc \
hdfs://localhost:9000/Users/ming/seeds_shuffle.txt \     

Where <main-class> should be of the form com.you.MainRunner .

That's because it's expecting the package to appear before any additional arguments such as -file .

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