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How to return an array of subdocuments that match a given criteria in Mongodb?

Given a collection like:

    "_id": "XXXX",
    "JobId": [
    "PersonalDetails": [
        "Level": 1,
        "Zone": [
                "Id": 1,
                "Code": "XXXXXXXX",
                "IsAvailable": true
                "Id": 45,
                "Code": "ZZZZZZZZZ",
                "IsAvailable": false
    "Timestamp": ISODate("2015-11-01T00:00:00.000Z")

I need to get all Zone ids and codes that have the IsAvailable flag set to true.

I have tried the following:

var details = db.test.find(
        JobId: {$in: [100]},
        'PersonalDetails': {$elemMatch: {Zone : {$elemMatch: {IsAvailable: true}}}}
        'PersonalDetails.Zone.Id': 1,
        'PersonalDetails.Zone.Code': 1,
        'PersonalDetails.Zone.IsAvailable': 1

    var myDetails = doc.PersonalDetails;
        var myZones = doc2.Zone;

This gives me

    "0" : {
            "Id": 1,
            "Code": "XXXXXXXX",
            "IsAvailable": true
    "1" : {
            "Id": 45,
            "Code": "ZZZZZZZZZ",
            "IsAvailable": false

But I just want only where the IsAvailable flag is set to true returned.

Am I going about this the wrong way?? I tried using aggregate but ran into the same problem - returning all and not filtering the IsAvailable flag.

You need to use the .aggregate() method.

First of all you need to reduce the size of the documents to process using the $match operator. From there you will need to denormalize your "PersonalDetails" array using the $unwind operator.

You can then use the $project operator to return only sub-documents that match your criteria.

The $map operator in the project stage is used to return array of sub-documents.

    { "$match": { 
        "JobId": 100, 
        "PersonalDetails.Zone.IsAvailable": true 
    { "$unwind": "$PersonalDetails" }, 
    { "$project": {
        "zone": {
            "$setDifference": [
                { "$map": { 
                    "input": "$PersonalDetails.Zone", 
                    "as": "z", 
                    "in": { "$cond": [ "$$z.IsAvailable", "$$z", false ] }

Which returns:

        "_id" : "XXXX",
        "zone" : [
                        "Id" : 1,
                        "Code" : "XXXXXXXX",
                        "IsAvailable" : true

Starting from MongoDB 3.2 we can use the $filter operator to do this efficiently

    { "$match": { 
        "JobId": 100, 
        "PersonalDetails.Zone.IsAvailable": true 
    { "$unwind": "$PersonalDetails" },
    { "$project": { 
        "zone": {
            "$filter": {
                "input": "$PersonalDetails.Zone", 
                "as": "z", "cond": "$$z.IsAvailable"

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