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Rest FB throwing exception in Servlet

I have a very basic problem in a project.

I wanted to get the friend list of a User in Facebook and for that I have used the API named RestFb(found here

Now coming to the coding, I have successfully created a function called getFriends() with the following format:

public List<User> getFriends(String APP_ID, String APP_SECRET, String CODE){
    //APP_ID -> Application Id generated in Facebook
    //APP_SECRET -> Secret that you get from Facebook when you create the APP
    //CODE -> A key that is sent to your servlet/callback url when you successfully logs in Fb with all the permissions given to App

This function is a static function that can be called from anywhere. Now when I calls this function after getting the code from Fb in a callback, using main function, it works and gives me all the users of the App those are my friends. But when I make a servlet and try to call this function it throws this error:

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet execution threw an exception
root cause

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/restfb/FacebookClient
root cause

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.restfb.FacebookClient

I have created this project in Eclipse and have added the Jar of RestFb using Add External Jars option of Eclipse. I am pretty confused what to do?

Here is the code: GetFriendListMain.java

public class GetFriendListMain{
   public static List<User> getFriends(String APP_ID, String APP_SECRET, String CODE) throws Exception{
      //code goes here

This is my servlet.


public class GetFriendList extends HttpServlet {
   public void doPost(...){
      String CODE = request.getParameter("code");
      String APP_ID = Config.APP_ID;
      String APP_SECRET = Config.APP_SECRET;
      List<User> users = GetFriendListMain.getFriends(APP_ID,APP_SECRET,CODE);
      //send this list back to caller to show on webpage

Please help me. Thanks in advance. :)

Have you tried adding the needed archive files in your dpeloyment assembly?


or you could also use a build tool like apache maven, and add the needed archive as a dependency.

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