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Notepad++ search combination in lines

I am looking for a specific combination in a txt file that contains multiple lines (Notepad ++). The structure of a line I am looking for is as follows:

xxxxxx  N  N  -1  -1  -1  N (end line)

So I first have an identifier of 6 or more characters, followed by 6 numbers (N) spaced by a tab. N can be values 1, 0 or -1. I am looking for those lines that contain '-1' in position 3, 4 and 5. The other positions can take any of the 3 values. I have searched online and applied searches such as:





Yet, the last N in the line is not taken into account, so that if its value is 0 for example, that line will not be selected.

What is the way to write this search? I understand Notepad ++ is written in C++.

Can you try to follow this pattern?:




^ : Start of the line.

([a-zA-Z0-9]{6,}) : Any character six or more times.

\\s* : space/tab/newLine zero o more times.

(-1|0|1) : One of those numbers.

\\s* : ...

(-1|0|1) : One of those numbers.

((-1\\s*?){3}) : -1 one time followed by space/tab/newLine zero or more times. (The '?' means that the regex will try to get the less amount of \\s as possible)

\\s* : ..

(-1|0|1) : ...

And the last \\s? : looks for zero or one Space/tab/newLineCharacter

You can try the following regex:


I tried on the following sample and it worked for me.

  xxxxxx    1   1   -1  -1  -1  1
  xxxxxx    0   1   -1  -1  -1  0
  test12    -1  1   -1  1   -1  0
  xxxxxx    1   1   -1  -1  -1  0
  test13    0   1   -1  -1  1   -1

Hope it helps.

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