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Access files inside workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\wtpwebapps\

I have a spring web project which basically Test webApp and capture screenshot of pages. The path of the saved image looks something like below:


I am trying to display the saved image on a JSP page and so far success has been elusive. I tried different combination of relative path also I tried to give absolute path but it doesn't work. My image tag looks something like this

<img src="<c:url value="/WEB-INF/Results/Test/1118015800/error/error_ST001_1.jpg" />" />

Does anyone have any idea on displaying the image? Could it be because files are stored inside the .metadata folder of Eclipse workspace that I am not able to display any image?

This is because the WEB-INF directory is special. The web container won't serve files from that location - that behavior is defined in the Servlet Spec.

You can either create a servlet that takes requests from the client, loads images (eg using getResourceAsStream() ) and streams them back, or move the images to a different place in your web app hierarchy.

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