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Can I use a Github repository as the source of a Docker image?

Granted, I'm a complete noob with respect to the following, but I think I'm having trouble finding the answer to this question on my own because of the signal/noise based on the search terms docker image, github, etc.

So, concretely, my question is: can I use my forked version of the Rabbitmq official image's Github repository as the value for my FROM directive?

I've tried specifying every variation of the URL I can think of, but haven't had any luck (errors include Error: image ethagnawl/rabbitmq:latest not found , Error: image ethagnawl/rabbitmq:efb97a5171a3672c0c6f38d9127912d5fe753e27 not found ).

Not directly.

You can build an image, following a similar Dockerfile as the one used for rabbitmq image : docker-library/rabbitmq/Dockerfile .

In your image, you can tweak the installation to match your need.
You can even call git clone commands in that Dockerfile, should you need a repo content in said image.

Then you can publish your own image on Docker Hub .

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