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converting Javascript variable to PHP variable in two different php file

Can some body help me get the current value from this option tag to account.php as a session variable or anything ..

// loadsubcat.php This code is for dependent dropdown

$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_cmsjob WHERE VesselID= {$parent_cat}");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
    echo "<option value='$row[jobName]'>$row[jobName]</option>";

var javascriptVariable = $('#sub_cat').val(); 

I know this can be solve using ajax but I don't know how.

I will use the javascript variable as a reference for a couple of checkboxes under it but first must be passed as a php variable.

you ajax will look like this,

            type: 'POST',
            url: "account.php",// path to ajax file
            data: {javascriptVariable:javascriptVariable},// you can pass values here in key value pairs.
            success: function(data) {


You can send n number of key => value pairs.




echo $_POST['javascriptVariable'];  // <--- grabbing ajax data here

$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_cmsjob WHERE VesselID= {$parent_cat}");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
echo "<option value='$row[jobName]'>$row[jobName]</option>";

what ever echoed in php file will come in ajax success data ,

alert(data) will alert what you had echoed in php. you can use that in your html file.

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