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Symfony2 associative array in entity

i have entity languages with format

id; name

en; English

pl; Polish


And I have some Entity translations , that in one column has an associative array: {pl: "Some txt in PL", en: "Some txt in EN",...}

Everything is almost perfect, but i don't know how to create an form for editing such a thing :DI tried almost everything.

Translation.orm.yml :

            type: integer
            generator: { strategy: AUTO }
            type: string
            length: 255
            unique: true
            type: array

For new Entity you must prepare your array in Controller ( before creating form). Something like that:

$value = array('en' => 'here en', 'pl' => 'here pl');
$form = $this->createForm(new TranslationType()...

In Your FormType:

 $builder->add('value', 'collection', array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'options' => array(
            'required'  => true,

That's all. If you have {{ form_rest(form) }} in your twig, you'll see two additional fields for translations in your form and it will be work. Additional information about collection field type is here

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