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Spring Security UserDetails with Oracle

I'm implementing the interface UserDetails that have some methods. All of them return a boolean, such as:

public boolean isAccountNonExpired();

In Oracle do not exists BOOLEAN type as SQL column table attribute, so i have to define this as VARCHAR2(1) .

I'm my class (that implements UserDetails ) i've defined the field accountNonExpired as String (instead of boolean).

So, the isAccountNonExpired() is like this:

@Column(name = "Account_Non_Expired")
    @XmlElement @JsonProperty
    public boolean isAccountNonExpired()
        return new Boolean(this.accountNonExpired);

When i try to execute login (and repository query the table), i get the following error:

HHH000123: IllegalArgumentException in class: it.dirimologistika.site.entities.UserPrincipal, setter method of property: accountNonExpired
HHH000091: Expected type: java.lang.String, actual value: java.lang.Boolean

How i have to rewrite this class (and implements this method) using a VARCHAR2(1) instead of BOOLEAN? This is natural in MySQL, but in Oracle.. ?

This is a JPA / Hibernate question, it's not specific to spring security.

See https://stackoverflow.com/a/22368268/2257772 for a pure JPA implementation or the other comments for the hibernate one.

You should change the tag / title of your question

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