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How to set the title on text box using List<String> in struts1.x?

I need to set the tooltip(title) on the html components.

Here is my code:

In Action class:

  MyForm myForm = (MyForm) form;
  List<String> listOfTitle = new ArrayList<String>();
  return mapping.findForward("myJsp");

Here the jsp code:

 <html:text name="myForm" errorStyleClass="validError" property="name"
 size="20" title="${listOfTitle[0]}"/>
 <html:text name="myForm" errorStyleClass="validError" property="address"
 size="20" title="${listOfTitle[1]}" /> 

but listOfTitle[0],listOfTitle[1] gets empty string ("").

please suggest me how i can use the List value using index to display the title on each html components in struts1.x?

Thanks in Advance,


You can access the elements of the list that you have set in the form bean in the title attribute like below.

 <html:text name="myForm" errorStyleClass="validError" property="name"size="20" title='${myForm.listOfTitle[0]}'/>

I hope this answers your question.

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