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How can I get the point coordinates from a vector layer in openlayers3?

I have created using OpenLayer3 a map with a vector layer. What I want to do now is to iterate through the vector layer, get the coordinates and store them in an array.

I tried something like this:

var store = vectorLayer.getGeometry().getExtent();

But I get an undefined function warning.

I also tried doing this:

var source = layer.getSource();
var features = source.getFeatures();

But I also get the undefined function warning:

 TypeError: Cannot read property 'getExtent' of undefined 

Thats part of my code:

var url="http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wfs?&service=wfs&version=1.1.0&request=GetFeature&typeNames=dSpatialAnalysis:categoriesdata";
var shops_layer=new ol.layer.Vector({
    title: 'Shops',
    source: new ol.source.Vector({
        url: '/cgi-bin/proxy.cgi?url='+ encodeURIComponent(url),
        format: new ol.format.WFS({
    style: iconStyle


map = new ol.Map({
    view: view,
    layers: [newLayer, shops_layer],

This is how I solved it after all:

    // First access the source of the vectore layer
    var source = shops_layer.getSource();
    // Get the features of the layer 
    var features = source.getFeatures();
    var feature;
   // iterate through the array
    for (var i = 0, ii = features.length; i < ii; ++i) {
        feature = features[i];
        // get the geometry for each feature point
        geometry = feature.getGeometry();
        // get the first coordinate
        geometry_coords = geometry.getFirstCoordinate()
        // assign them to two variables
        geometry_coord_x = console.log(geometry_coords[0]);
        geometry_coord_y = console.log(geometry_coords[1]);


It doesn't change the final result but can be done with forEachFeature :

var source = shops_layer.getSource();
  var coord = feature.getGeometry().getCoordinates();
  // ...

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