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Can I use Php function inside mysql select statement?

I am trying to get the cit name by using getCity() function, but Unfortunately it does not works for me. Please help.

$sql =("
        distinct orders.id as 'Order Id',
        orders.price as 'Amount', 
        orders.at as 'Date and Time',
        '".getCity($id)."' as 'CITY'
    FROM users, orders, order_history, users_address
        users.id = order_history.uid
        AND orders.id = order_history.oid 
        AND orders.real = 1 AND orders.price > 1
        AND orders.payment_status = 1 AND orders.status = 1
    ORDER BY orders.id;

You only can use result of this function:

$result = getCity($id);

$sql =("
        distinct orders.id as 'Order Id', 
        users.email, orders.price as 'Amount', 
        orders.at as 'Date and Time',
        '$result' as 'CITY'
    FROM users, orders, order_history, users_address
    WHERE users.id = order_history.uid
        AND orders.id= order_history.oid 
        AND orders.real = 1 AND orders.price > 1
        AND orders.payment_status = 1 AND orders.status = 1
    order by orders.id;

In this case $result can be only string. Always the same string - for each row which you can get from DB.

If $result will be name of column you should put it without ' in your query.

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