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How do I observe a signal and immediately receive a `next` event if it has already occured?

I'm trying to wrap an API call that initializes an object after a network request. I don't want the network request to happen for every new observer, so as I understand it, I shouldn't be using SignalProducer . However, by using a single Signal , only the first usage of it will receive a next event, while any newer subscribers will never receive the current value. How should I be doing this? I'm probably doing something fundamentally wrong with RAC.

extension SparkDevice {
    static func createMainDeviceSignal() -> Signal<SparkDevice, NSError> {
        return Signal {
            sink in
            SparkCloud.sharedInstance().getDevices { (sparkDevices: [AnyObject]!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
                if let error = error {
                else {
                    if let devices = sparkDevices as? [SparkDevice] {
                        if devices.count > 0 {
            return nil

class DeviceAccess {
    let deviceSignal: Signal<SparkDevice, NSError>

    init() {
        self.deviceSignal = SparkDevice.createMainDeviceSignal()

I considered using MutableProperty , but that seems to require a default property, which doesn't seem to make sense for this.

How should I actually be going about this?

What you need is multicasting . However, ReactiveCocoa 3/4 does not offer a simple way to do that (as opposed to Rx) because they often lead to a ton of complexity.

Sometimes it is really necessary, as in your example, and it can be easily implemented using a PropertyType .

I'd start by creating the cold signal that makes the request. That has to be a SignalProducer :

private func createMainDeviceSignalProducer() -> SignalProducer<SparkDevice, NSError> {
    return SignalProducer { observer, _ in

If you were to expose this as is, the side effects would occur every time this producer is start ed. To multicast these values you can wrap it in a property and expose the property 's producer instead:

public final class DeviceAccess {
    public let deviceProducer: SignalProducer<SparkDevice, NoError>
    private let deviceProperty: AnyProperty<SparkDevice?>

    init() {
        self.deviceProperty = AnyProperty(
           initialValue: nil, // we can use `nil` to mean "value isn't ready yet"         
           producer: SparkDevice.createMainDeviceSignal()
                        .map(Optional.init) // we need to wrap values into `Optional` because that's the type of the property
                        .flatMapError { error in 
                              fatalError("Error... \(error)") // you'd probably want better error handling

                              return .empty // ignoring errors, but you probably want something better.

        self.deviceProducer = deviceProperty
              .producer    // get the property producer
              .ignoreNil() // ignore the initial value

Now DeviceAccess.deviceProducer would replay the values emitted by the underlying producer instead of repeating side-effects. Note however that it's not lazy : the underlying SignalProducer would be started right away.

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