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Mysql different tables, copy over, match field, but column rows are random

I have two different tables table_usernames and jos_users, I need to match the fields username and users from both tables columns and then if the column row matches i need table-usernames (registered date) column to copy over to the jos-users (registration) column row field. So far the closest thing I have found is

  table1 t1
  join table2 t2 on t2.field = t1.field
  t1.field1 = t2.matchingfield
  t1.whatever = t2.whatever

but that does not look like it would work in the situation I have, just wanted to verify before i destroy my database and find my backup is corrupt... Thank you in advance

As per your requirement you are having two tables table_usernames and jos_users.

Now First of all i have to find mapping of this two table that you already define username from table_usernames and users from jos_users.

Now you want to set the ragistered date of table_usernames to registration field of jos_users.

UPDATE table_usernames t1,
           jos_users t2
    SET t2.registration = t1.registered_date // assign registered_date value to registration column of jos_users table 
    WHERE (t1.username = t2.users);   // Mapping (Common) Columns of both tables

This will update registration coulmn of jos_users table from table_usernames table.

From your description the statement would be

UPDATE table_usernames t1
INNER JOIN jos_users t2 ON t1.username = t2.users
SET t2.registration = t1.registered_date;

The inner join works already as a filter for matching user names. For a visual explanation of joins visit this link .

If you want to check first, if your statement is correct, either you transform it to a select first, so you can see, which records will be updated

table_usernames t1
INNER JOIN jos_users t2 ON t1.username = t2.users;

or, if you are using a storage engine that supports transactions for all tables, like InnoDB, you can do this:

UPDATE table_usernames t1
INNER JOIN jos_users t2 ON t1.username = t2.users
SET t2.registration = t1.registered_date;

Then you can check with SELECT whatever... (in the same session!) if everything went fine. The data will be written when you do


if you don't want it to be written, you do


Check if your table are using InnoDB as storage engine with

SHOW CREATE TABLE your_table_name\G

and see in the last line

) ENGINE = InnoDB ...

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