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Android studio not generating unsinged apk

From my terminal if i run "gradle assemble" its only generating following apks. Any one please tell me how do i get default unsigned apk from android studio. I tried creating separate buildType for unsigned with empty keyStore but no use .

 - MyApp-debug-unaligned.apk
 - MyApp-debug.apk
 - MyApp-release-unaligned.apk
 - MyApp- release.apk

To generate an unsigned apk do the following:

define a signingConfig with empty configuations like this:

    storePassword = ""
    keyAlias = ""
    keyPassword = ""

define in the buildTypes for your release Version with the unsigned Configuration:

    signingConfig signingConfigs.unsigned

I get this from the adt-dev group, where Xavier Ducrohet write:

The current behavior is to check that the signing config is fully configured(*) and if it is, it generates a signed APK, otherwise an unsigned APK.

(*) fully configured right now means the value for store, alias and passwords are present, but does not include that the keystore is present. UPDATE 2013-12-19

As withoutclass mentioned this doesn't work with the gradle plugin version 0.6.3.

Anyway it's possible to generate an unsigned APK with gradle: just let the signingConfig entry of a flavor or buildType empty. It should look like this:

// with this config you should get a "MyProject-flavorUnsigned-release-     unsigned.apk"
    versionCode = 9
    packageName defaultPkgName

// with this config you should get a "MyProject-release-unsigned.apk"
    packageNameSuffix '.release'

Answer here: Build Unsigned APK with Gradle

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