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How can I improve this sum with reduce method

I would like to improve this sum using the reduce method, but I saw that works well for summing but also I have to do a subtract:

final = 0
@status.each do |data|
  final = final + data['pending_increase'] - data['pending_decrease']

The method I want to use is Enumerable#reduce

Something like this:

@status.reduce(0){|sum, data| sum + data['pending_increase'] - data['pending_decrease']}


@status.map{|data| data['pending_increase'] - data['pending_decrease']}.reduce(0, :+)

This will work too (as the initial seed is 0 ), but doesn't use reduce as requested

@status.sum{|data| data['pending_increase'] - data['pending_decrease']}

This two expressions are equivalent, being sum shorter and simpler than map / reduce

enum.sum{...} == enum.map{...}.reduce(0, :+)


@status.map{|data| data['pending_increase'] - data['pending_decrease']}.sum

You could first compute the differences, then sum them:

@status.map { |data| data['pending_increase'] - data['pending_decrease'] }.reduce(:+)

but this has the disadvantage of creating a temporary array.

Just sayin'.

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