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Recursively create list in Prolog

I have code in PROLOG:

vals([H|T],[(H,C)|L],K) :- vals([H|T],L,(K,C)).

This code receivers list and list of tuples, for example:


I check if element from first list is equal to some tuples first element from the other list. In this case foundValues will return true, because 1 is equal to each tuples first element. This works fine, but instead of returning true/false, in resulting list I want to return all second element of each tuple where its first element is equal to the element from list. In this case X should be [4,2]. I am trying to do this with (K,C), but no success. So, the question is - How to return list?

Here's an example on how to append to the list, just for 1 element.

Three cases:

  • For an empty list
  • When the element matches the first entry of the tupple
  • When the element not matches

Starting from this you should be able to create your example.

vals(H,[(H,C)|L],[C|K]) :- vals(H,L,K).
vals(H,[(H2,_)|L],K) :- 
    H \= H2,


X = [2, 3] ;


  • Consider placing a cut in case 2.
  • Consider rewrite this with an accumulator

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