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Can you have multiple projects in the sidebar in IntelliJ?

In eclipse I had all of my projects located in the sidebar by default.

Here's what I have:


Here's what I would like:


I find it hard to believe that you can't have more than one project in your sidebar but I can't find away to add multiple projects.

Try this


a plugin for intellij idea which will allow you to work on multiple projects.

@sai rao gutta has a neat suggestion here, I'll have to look at that plugin.

I recently made the switch from Eclipse to Idea and this was a stumbling block for me as well. The way I came to understand the Idea paradigm was to consider an Idea Project similar to a Workspace in Eclipse, and a Module in Idea similar to a Project in Eclipse.

Some of the projects I work on are libraries (usually sandbox type projects) where I want to see instant use of Project A as a dependency on Project B without having to run builds and whatnot. Or, sometime I just want to use Idea as I did Eclipse and just keep a few random projects available. I created an Empty Project in Idea, then added Modules within. The end result gave me the ability to sandbox a library project and a consuming project in one space in a simple way, as well as give me a space to work with whatever random projects I had in Eclipse.

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