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How to create function, returning pointer to another function without typedef in C?

For example I have following functions:

char ret_a(int x)
    return 'a'+x;

typedef char (*fptr)(int);

fptr hyperfunc(float a, int b)
    return &ret_a;

How can I get rid of typedef?

You can get rid of them like this. Third function returns pointer to function which returns pointer to function which retruns char.

char ret_a(int x)
    return 'a'+x;

char (*hyperfunc(float a, int b))(int)
    char (*fp)(int) = &ret_a;
    return fp;

char (*(*superhyper(double a))(float, int))(int)
    char (*(*fpp)(float, int))(int)=&hyperfunc;
    return fpp;

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