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Adding cordova plugin in MobileFirst Project

I need to implement PubNub pushnotification in my MobileFirst project.

For that implementation i done the following things.

In my android native folder :assets->www->default->worklight->cordova_plugins.js

Here I added the following code

        "file": "plugins/org.apache.cordova.pushnotification/www/pushnotification.js",
        "merges": [

In android native folder assets->www->default->js->main.js file i added the following code

var pushNotification = window.plugins.pushNotification;


    function successHandler(result) {
        alert('Success: '+ result);
    function errorHandler(error) {
        alert('Error: '+ error);

And I run this code on my android device. When I inspect my android device. i am getting the following error on my concole

Uncaught Error: Module undefined does not exist. in cordova.js file

Is this cordova plugin issue?

How can I configure cordova plugin in MobileFirst project?

Please suggest..

You should not edit main.js in the native\\www folder.

You need to edit the main.js that is in apps\\your-app\\common\\js\\main.js. This file is later copied into the native folder.

If you edit the file in the native folder and then build the project, your changes are lost - they will be overwritten with what that is in common\\js\\main.js...

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