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Swift typealias in protocol and generic types

I have a protocol, that has a typealias:

protocol Fooable {
    typealias T: Equatable
    func makeFoo() -> T

I expect, that all types, that conforms to it will return Equatable values from makeFoo .

Now I'd like to make an array extension, which stores Fooable values:

extension Array where Element: Fooable {

    func arrayFoo<F: Foobable, S>(array: Array<F>, transform: (Element, [F]) -> S) -> [S] {

I expect, that given array A, which contains Fooable elements and array B, which contains Fooable elements I can make:

a.arrayFoo(b, {...})

I have a part of arrayFoo function:

var leftGenerator = self.generate()
var rightGenerator = array.generate()

if let leftValue = leftGenerator.next(), rightValue = rightGenerator.next() {
    let leftFoo = leftValue.makeFoo()
    let rightFoo = rightValue.makeFoo()

    if leftFoo == rightFoo {

I expect leftFoo and rightFoo to be Equatable, because they are produced by makeFoo() , which should return Equatables.

But Swift complains: Binary operator == cannot be applied to operands of type Element.T and FT

Any ideas or workarounds?

In your arrayFoo() method, both array and self are arrays of Fooable elements, but not necessarily with the same underlying type T , ie Element.T and FT are unrelated types.

You can fix that with an additional constraint where FT == Element.T on the type placeholders:

func arrayFoo<F: Fooable, S where F.T == Element.T >(array: Array<F>, transform: (Element, [F]) -> S) -> [S] {
    // ...

I think that problem is inside Equatable protocol, look in it's declaration:

public func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool

You should override func == and provide some result for this, or Swift compiler doesn't know, hot to compare it. You use generic type, it's not settled how to compare Int and String for example

let t = 0
let a = "string"
if t == a { // error

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