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Eclipse: exclude a 'runtime' maven dependency from the build path

I have a project that needs a dependency on iText 5.5.2 and on iText 2.1.7 (Primefaces needs this specific version at runtime and won't work with iText 5 due to license issues).

So I have this in my pom.xml:


<!-- iText 2.1.7 is necessary at runtime to have the 'Export to PDF' function of Primeface work -->
<!-- It won't conflict with iText 5 as the packages are different -->

The problem is that I don't want our developers to be able to import classes from iText 2.1.7 (com.lowagie.* package). I want to force them to use classes from iText 5.5.2 (com.itextpdf.* package).

Although iText 2.1.7 is in 'runtime' scope, Eclipse still adds the jar file in the build path, allowing developers to import the wrong package (com.lowagie instead of com.itextpdf).

Is there a way to exclude it from the build path ?

Unfortunately it seems not to be possible on Eclipse with a normal build, it is a known bug, check Bug 414645 and Bug 376616 . Eclipse (m2e) can't properly manage Maven dependencies scope.

However, if you place the runtime dependencies on a profile, then Eclipse will not add them to the classpath (the profile shouldn't be active by default, though). I just tested it on Eclipse Mars and it works perfectly.

Hence, in your case you could add to your POM:


As such, it can't be used to compile on Eclipse. However, your build would then need to use it at runtime, running with -Pruntime in this case.

Although adapting your POM and build to an issue of an IDE might not be ideal, it could be a good compromise to achieve your goal.

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