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Spacing Two Things On The Same Line Then Writing To File

I am trying to write two things from two different files on the same line of a different file(That is there are 3 files being used. 2 that already have items and a new one )




 for i in range(35):


this is the result i want to see in the new file:

1.34, 1.54

1.80, 1.39

1.25 , 1.68

1.69 , 1.83

Many things wrong with this:

  • file.read() gets the entire contents of a file, so you are writing (the entire first file) + tab + (the entire second file) where you want to read line by line.

  • you never append to a , so len(a) will always be 0.

  • It isn't exactly clear what you want in a - the line-by-line file contents?

I think you want something more like

HEIGHT_FILE = "/Users/battledrum/Desktop/review2.txt"
TIME_FILE   = "/Users/battledrum/Desktop/review3.txt"
OUTPUT_FILE = "/Users/battledrum/Desktop/HeightVStime.txt"

def main():
    # load data pairs
    with open(HEIGHT_FILE) as hf, open(TIME_FILE) as tf:
        hts = [(height.strip(), time.strip()) for height,time in zip(hf, tf)]
    # write output
    with open(OUTPUT_FILE, "w") as outf:
        lines = ("{}\t{}".format(h, t) for h,t in hts)
    print("{} lines written".format(len(hts)))

if __name__=="__main__":

Rather than assuming a certain number of lines in each file, how about something like:

with open("/Users/battledrum/Desktop/HeightVStime.txt","w") as fout:
    with open("/Users/battledrum/Desktop/review2.txt") as fin1:
        with open("/Users/battledrum/Desktop/review3.txt") as fin2:
            fout.writelines([(', '.join((x.rstrip('\n'),y))) for x,y in zip(fin1,fin2)])

zip will combine lines between fin1 and fin2 , since we can treat each file object as an iterable and will throw away the remaining lines if one of the files is longer than the other.

assuming the files are the same length

with open(fin) as f1:
    with open(fin1) as f2:
        num1 = [l.strip() for l in f1.readlines()]
        num2 = [l.strip() for l in f2.readlines()]

with open(fout,'w+') as out:
    for i in range(0,len(num1)):
        out.write(','.join([num1[i], num2[i]])+'\n')

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