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IOC container as mapping resolver

I want to use an IOC container preferably unity as a resolver function lookup

This what I have

 class ParmaterType {}

 class Monkey : ParmaterType {}
 class Handler {virtual void HandleMessage(){}}
 class MonkeyHandler : Handler {}

 class Main
    Dictionary<Type, Type> _Mapper= new> Dictionary<Type, Type >()
    {  { typeof(Monkey) , typeof(MonkeyHandler) } }; 

   public void OnMessage(ParmaterType  type)
       Handler instance = (Handler)Activator.CreateInstance(_Mapper[type]); 

and what i want is something like this :

 IocContainer.Register(typeof(Monkey), typeof(MonkeyHandler ))

 public void OnMessage(ParmaterType  type)
     ((Handler) (IocContainer.Resolve(type)).HandleMessage(type);

The trick is to make the interface generic:

public interface IMessageHandler<T>
    void Handle(T message);

public class MonkeyHandler : IMessageHandler<Monkey>
    public void Handle(Monkey message) {}

To resolve a handler simply do:

var monkeyHandler = yourContainer.Resolve<IMessageHandler<Monkey>>();

The problem with that is if you receive messages as object you can't do a transition from object to generics at compile time.

object message = endPoint.Recieve();

//not fun to do this:
if (message is Monkey)

Instead you need to do a transition from objects to typed handlers.

public interface IMessageHandler
    void Handle(object message);
public interface IMessageHandler<T> : IMessageHandler
    void Handle(T message);

public class MonkeyHandler : IMessageHandler<Monkey>
    public void Handle(Monkey message) {}

    //hide from the public API
    void IMessageHandler.Handle(object message)

.. which means that you can now locate it using a Type :

var genericInterfaceType = typeof(IMessageHandler<>).MakeGenericType(message.GetType());
var handlerObj = container.Resolve(genericInterfaceType);

.. so that you can cast it to the base interface and invoke it:

var handler = (IMessageHandler)handlerObj;

yay. We got a GOAL!

To remove the repetitive task of transitioning from objects to typed in the handlers you could create a base class:

public abstract class HandlerBase<T> : IMessageHandler<T>
    public abstract void Handle(Monkey message);

    void IMessageHandler.Handle(object message)

public class MonkeyHandler : HandlerBase<Monkey>
    public override void Handle(Monkey message) 

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