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Concatenate Int to String in LINQ Query

I have the following LINQ query.

var providers = from c in Repository.Query<Company>()
                where !c.IsDeleted
                select new { c.Description, Id = "C" + c.Id };

I'm trying to concatenate the ID to "C". So, for example, if c.Id is 35 then the result should be "C35".

This obviously doesn't work because you can't add an integer ( c.Id ) to a string. I could easily resolve this in C# using string.Format() or converting the type. But how can I do this in LINQ?

When you need functionality of .NET only in preparing the result (as opposed to, say, filtering, which should be done on RDBMS side to avoid bringing too much data in memory) the common trick is to complete the conversion in memory using the AsEnumerable method:

var providers = Repository.Query<Company>()
    .Where(c => !c.IsDeleted)
    .Select(c => new { c.Description, c.Id }) // <<== Prepare raw data
    .AsEnumerable() // <<== From this point it's LINQ to Object
    .Select(c => new { c.Description, Id = "C"+c.Id }); // <<== Construct end result

Try using SqlFunctions.StringConvert Method :

var xd = (from c in Repository.Query<Company>()
           where !c.IsDeleted
           select new { c.Description, Id = "C" + SqlFunctions.StringConvert((double)c.Id).Trim()});

The code that you have written will work fine. Here is a mock up of the same code and it outputs the Id 's

class Company
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public bool IsDeleted { get; set; }

static void Main()
    var list = new List<Company>();
    list.Add(new Company
        Description = "Test",
        Id = 35,
        IsDeleted = false
    list.Add(new Company
        Description = "Test",
        Id = 52,
        IsDeleted = false
    list.Add(new Company
        Description = "Test",
        Id = 75,
        IsDeleted = true

    /* code you are looking for */
    var providers = from c in list
                    where !c.IsDeleted
                    select new { c.Description, Id = "C" + c.Id };

    foreach (var provider in providers)


What about string format

var providers = from c in Repository.Query<Company>()
                where !c.IsDeleted
                select new { c.Description, Id = "C" + c.Id.ToString() };

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