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Can i create separate properties file for Virgo OSGi bundle?

I have Tomcat Virgo Server. I am deploying couple of OSGi bundles. I want to expose settings through properties, so the service within bundle can read it though Java System.getProperty(String) API. Is it possible ?

You should use OSGis ConfigurationAdmin for doing this. You can deploy your properties files into [VIRGO_HOME]/pickup and then consume the properties from ConfigurationAdmin Service over the configurations pid . Virgo recognizes your properties files in its pickup folder and automatically exposes them over the ConfigurationAdmin Service. You could also list your properties files in a plan file if you use plans to deploy your bundles as an application.

Please refer to the official documentation on the Virgo Documentation Page [1] for further details.

And if you are using Spring/Blueprint you can stick to the property placeholder as you are used to. Just use the osgix namespace handlers and do something like this:

<osgix:cm-properties id="cmProps" persistent-id="com.xyz.myapp">
  <prop key="host">localhost</prop>

As by default the persistent-id or pid is the name of your properties file. For further reference have a look at Gemini Blueprint Documentation as well [2].

[1] http://www.eclipse.org/virgo/documentation/virgo-documentation-3.6.4.RELEASE/docs/virgo-programmer-guide/htmlsingle/virgo-programmer-guide.html#developing-applications-configuration-artifacts

[2] http://www.eclipse.org/gemini/blueprint/documentation/reference/1.0.2.RELEASE/html/compendium.html#compendium:cm

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