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How to combine SQLAlchemy's @hybrid_property decorator with Werkzeug's cached_property decorator?

How can I combine these two:

Werkzeug's @cached_property decorator: http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/docs/0.11/utils/#werkzeug.utils.cached_property

SQLAlchemy's @hybrid_property decorator: http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/orm/extensions/hybrid.html#sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid.hybrid_property

Use case: I have a hybrid property that performs a fairly expensive calculation, and it's okay if the result is cached. I tried wrapping a test function with them both, and no matter which one comes first they both complain that the second decorator is not callable .

This is a bit tricky to get right, since both cached_property and hybrid_property expect to wrap a method and to return a property. You end up extending either one of them or both.

The nicest thing I could come up is this. It basically inlines the logic of cached_property into hybrid_property 's __get__ . Note that it caches the property values for the instances, but not for the class.

from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property

_missing = object()   # sentinel object for missing values

class cached_hybrid_property(hybrid_property):
    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        if instance is None:
            # getting the property for the class
            return self.expr(owner)
            # getting the property for an instance
            name = self.fget.__name__
            value = instance.__dict__.get(name, _missing)
            if value is _missing:
                value = self.fget(instance)
                instance.__dict__[name] = value
            return value

class Example(object):
    def foo(self):
        return "expensive calculations"

At first I thought you could simply use functools.lru_cache instead of cached_property . Then I realized that you likely want an instance-specific cache instead of global cache indexed by the instance, which is what lru_cache provides. There's no standard library utility for caching method calls per instance.

To illustrate the problem with lru_cache , consider this simplistic version of caching:

CACHE = {}

class Example(object):
    def foo(self):
        if self not in CACHE:
            CACHE[self] = ...  # do the actual computation
        return CACHE[self]

This will store the cached values of foo for every Example instance your program generates - in other words, it can leak memory. lru_cache is a bit smarter, since it limits the size of the cache, but then you might end up re-computing some of the values you needed if they go out of the cache. A better solution is to attach the cached values to instances of Example they belong to, like done by cached_property .

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