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How do I delete the first node in a doubly-linked list?

My list is structured like this:

struct Node {
    Node *next;
    Node *prev;
    T datum;
Node *first;   // points to first Node in list, or 0 if list is empty
Node *last;    // points to last Node in list, or 0 if list is empty

I've attempted to do the following:

void pop_front()
     //copied from lecture slides
     Node *victim = first;
     first = first->next;
     if(first != 0)
         first->prev = 0;
     delete victim;

The problem is, it is giving me a memory leak when I do the delete victim line. I don't know what's wrong.

edit: this is how I am adding a node:

 //MODIFIES: this
    //EFFECTS:  inserts i into the front of the list
    void pushit_tofront(const T &datum)
        //if list is empty, update both the first and last element
        //copied from lecture slides
        Node *p = new Node;
        p->datum = datum;
        p->next = first;
            first = last = p;
            first = p;


try to use this code for node

 class Node {
        int get() { return object; }; // returns the value of the element
        void set(int object) { this->object = object; }; // set the value of the element

        Node* getNext() { return nextNode; }; // get the address of the next node
        void setNext(Node* nextNode) // set the address of the next node
         { this->nextNode = nextNode; };

        Node* getPrev() { return prevNode; }; // get the address of the prev node
        void setPrev(Node* prevNode) // set the address of the prev node
         { this->prevNode = prevNode; };

        int object; // it stores the actual value of the element
        Node* nextNode; // this points to the next node
        Node* prevNode; // this points to the previous node

Doubly link list look like this it is uncompleted. but you have to only add the remove function in it.

class DoublyList
        void add (int addObject);
        int get();
        bool next();
        void start();
        void remove();

        int size;
        Node * headNode;
        Node * currentNode;
        Node * lastCurrentNode;

Doubly link list remove it will remove from any location. you have asked about first node the last two if condition will help you.

    Node *removeNode= currentNode;

    if((currentNode->getNext()!=null)&&(currentNode->getprev())!=headNode)){ // it will remove the node in middle
    currentNode= currentNode->getNext();

    if((currentNode->getprev())!=headNode)&&(currentNode->getNext()==null)){   // it will remove the node if it is last node
    currentNode= lastCurrentNode;
    lastCurretnNode= currentNode->getPrev();

    if((currentNode->getprev())==headNode)&&(currentNode->getNext()==null)){ //if it is at the start and next node is null
    lastCurrentNode= headNode;
    currentNode= headNode;

        if((currentNode->getprev())==headNode)&&(currentNode->getNext()!=null)){  //if it is at the start and next node is not null
    lastCurrentNode= headNode;
    currentNode= currentNode->getNext();

    delete removeNode;

I think you are trying to make stack using doubly link list. but it is not clear in you question. so i have written the remove method in all condition. i have not tested this code.you have to do it by self.if there is any mistake you can contact with me.

Concerning the issue of academic honesty, I am not going to post the solution, as this is a popular assignment.

However, I will give you some pointers :)

Anytime you are doing a mutation of a doubly-linked list you have (in your case) at most six pointers to worry about.

curr->next = ?
curr->prev = ?
next->prev = ?
next->next = ?
head = ?
tail = ?

If you are definitively assuring that all those pointers are being managed properly, you will probably resolve your current issue.

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