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How to make server-side paging in datatable?

I am using MVC. I have large amount of data and I need to have data only with paging limit. For example, if page size is 10 I want to get only top 10 records in my database.

Here is my html :

<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id="data_table">
    <th> Anket Id  </th>
    <th> Anket Adı </th>
    <th> Katılımcı </th>
    <th> Soru      </th>
    <th> Aktif Gün </th>
    <th> Dil       </th>
    <th> Durum     </th>
    <th> Kayıt Tarihi </th>            

And here is my JS :

 var table =  $('#data_table').DataTable({

            "processing": true,
            "serverSide": true,
            "ajaxSource": "/Survey/ActiveSurveysPaging",
            "dataSrc": "",
            "aoColumns": [
                { "mDataProp": "Anket Id" },
                { "mDataProp": "Anket Adı" },
                { "mDataProp": "Katılımcı" },
                { "mDataProp": "Soru" },
                { "mDataProp": "Aktif Gün" },
                { "mDataProp": "Dil" },
                { "mDataProp": "Durum" },
                { "mDataProp": "Kayıt Tarihi"}

and this is what my server returns as json :

 {"sEcho": 3,"iTotalRecords" : 1013,"iTotalDisplayRecords" : 1013,"aaData" :   [["56523938aa9c580dac1858e5","anket-0","1001","8","11","TR","Aktif","22.11.2015 23:52"],

["5652393aaa9c580dac185918","anket-1","1000","8","11","TR","Aktif","22.11.2015 23:52"]]}

When I run the program it gives "can not read propert lenght of undefined" error while it is loading datatable. Where I am doing wrong and thanks for any solution please.


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