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Android create a PreferenceFragment without a PreferenceActivity

I added a side menu to my Application and I managed to change the content with fragments. Now I am trying to do the Preferences, but I don't want to use a PreferenceActivity because I want to do my application with fragments because I don't want to do the NavigationDrawer twice (For my main activity displaying the fragments and for the PreferenceActivity). I found the class PreferenceFragment but after alot of research I found out that appearantly it just is a part of the SettingsActivity and when I try to addPreferenceFromResouce in the PreferenceFragment and then launch the fragment, it crashes.

So basically I am trying to find a way to display a SettingsFragment without any extra activity just by calling fragmentManager.beginTransaction().replace(R.id.contentFrame, settingsFragment).commit() just as I do with my different fragments.

I hope I asked my question understandable (I am sorry if I didn't). Thanks for your time and your help.

I found the solution myself now. It wasn't very hard. I simply created a normal PreferenceFragment and you can use it like any other fragment without a PreferenceActivity.

public class PreferenceFragment extends android.preference.PreferenceFragment {

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

I then replaced it using

getFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(R.id.contentFrame, preferenceFragment).commit();

as you normally would.

This worked great for me. I hope it also does for you.

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