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Check wpf textbox focus

In my Textbox , I've set Textbox.MaxLength = 2 . What I want to achieve is when I enter "6" in my Textbox , if the focus of the Textbox is lost, the value will become "06".

        if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(Textbox.Text)))
            //Minute value cannot be more than 59
            if (Int32.Parse(Textbox.Text) > 59)
                Textbox.Text = string.Empty;

            else if (Int32.Parse(Textbox.Text) < 10 && Textbox.IsFocused == false)
                Textbox.Text = Int32.Parse(Text.Text).ToString("00");

I've tried to set Texbox.IsFocused == false , but it still doesn't work. Any suggestions?

use LostFocus event.


<TextBox x:Name="tbTextBox" Height="30" LostFocus="tbTextBox_LostFocus"/>

code behind

private void tbTextBox_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    tbTextBox.Text = tbTextBox.IsFocused.ToString();

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