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vba listbox to connect with excel

I am getting an error on below line.

ListBox1.RowSource = "Tabelle1!A2:C" & loletzte

Here is my code:

myFileNameDir3 = Sheet3.Range("V10").Value & TextBox116.Text & ".xlsx"

Workbooks.Open fileName:=myFileNameDir3, UpdateLinks:=0
Set ws3 = Worksheets("Sheet1")

With ListBox5
        .ColumnCount = 3
        .ColumnWidths = "1cm;2cm;2cm"
        .ColumnHeads = True
    ListBox5.RowSource = ws1.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
    'ListBox1.RowSource = "Tabelle1!A2:C" & loletzte
End With

The issue is that you need to describe the RowSource as an address (like Sheet1!A1:A12 ) and not with a Range reference :

Dim RowSrcAddress As String
myFileNameDir3 = Sheet3.Range("V10").Value & TextBox116.Text & ".xlsx"

If InStr(1, ws1.Name, " ") Then
    RowSrcAddress = "'" & ws1.Name & "'!" & .Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Address
    RowSrcAddress = ws1.Name & "!" & .Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Address
End If

Workbooks.Open Filename:=myFileNameDir3, UpdateLinks:=0
Set ws3 = Worksheets("Sheet1")

With ListBox5
        .ColumnCount = 3
        .ColumnWidths = "1cm;2cm;2cm"
        .ColumnHeads = True
    ListBox5.RowSource = RowSrcAddress
    'ListBox1.RowSource = "Tabelle1!A2:C" & loletzte
End With

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