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RSpec testing devise controller actions, DELETE failing

I'm using RSpec to test my implementation of the mixture of Devise and the simple_token_authentication gem.

I using devise_for to tell Devise where to look for my sessions controller ( source ).

 devise_for :users, controllers: { 
    registrations: 'users/devise/registrations',
    sessions: 'users/devise/sessions'

In my sessions controller, I invoke a custom method if the request has a specific header ( source ).

def create
  req_from_coposition_app? ? respond_with_auth_token : super

def destroy
  req_from_coposition_app? ? destroy_auth_token : super

I have a test that ensures the user can get an auth token. The request works as expected ( source ).

it "should be able to sign in" do
  request.headers["X-Secret-App-Key"] = "this-is-a-mobile-app" 
  request.env['devise.mapping'] = Devise.mappings[:user]
  post :create, 
    user: {
      email: user.email,
      password: user.password
    format: :json

  expect(res_hash[:email]).to eq user.email
  expect(res_hash[:authentication_token]).to eq user.authentication_token

Next, I'd like to test signing out (destroying the auth key). I am trying to use the following code:

it "should be able to sign out" do
  token_before = user.authentication_token
  request.env['devise.mapping'] = Devise.mappings[:user]
  request.headers["X-Secret-App-Key"] = "this-is-a-mobile-app"
  request.headers["X-User-Token"] = token_before
  delete :destroy, nil, format: :json
  expect(user.reload.authentication_token).to_not eq token_before

However, the Users::Devise::SessionsController#destroy is never hit. response.status is 302 , and

#=> "<html><body>You are being <a href=\"http://test.host/\">redirected</a>.</body></html>"

I have checked rake routes, formatted the request in different ways, and checked that the delete method wasn't being messed with anywhere. I am completely at loss as to why post :create works, but delete :destroy doesn't hit the action.

You're not fooling the before filter on line 4 here https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/blob/master/app/controllers/devise/sessions_controller.rb

Devise thinks no one is signed in and is bouncing you away from the destroy action. Skip it, stub it, trick it.

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