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rspec controller testing with devise

I'm using devise + rspec + factory + shoulda and having trouble with my controller specs. I've read a bunch of articles and docs but couldn't figure out what the best way is to log_in the user and use that user instance.

Task is nested under user so index route is /users/:user_id/tasks and task belongs_to :assigner, class_name: "User" and belongs_to :executor, class_name: "User"

At the moment with following code both tests fail. What is the best approach for properly sign_in the user and use it in the controller tests?

The error message for the first one:

Failure/Error: expect(assigns(:tasks)).to eq([assigned_task, executed_task])

expected: [#<Task id: 1, assigner_id: 1, executor_id: 2, .....>, #<Task id: 2, assigner_id: 3, executor_id: 1, ......>]
        got: nil

(compared using ==)

The error for the second one:

Failure/Error: it { is_expected.to respond_with :ok }
   Expected response to be a 200, but was 302


require "rails_helper"

describe TasksController do

  describe "when user is signed in" do

    describe "collections" do

      let(:assigned_task) { create(:task, assigner: @user) }
      let(:executed_task) { create(:task, executor: @user) }
      let(:other_task) { create(:task) }

      context "GET index" do
        before do
          get :index, user_id: @user.id

        it "assigns user's tasks" do
          expect(assigns(:tasks)).to eq([assigned_task, executed_task])

        it { is_expected.to respond_with :ok }


      context "GET incoming_tasks"


module ControllerMacros
  def login_user
    before(:each) do
      @request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user]
      @user = create(:user)
      sign_in @user

tasks controller

def index
  @tasks = Task.alltasks(current_user).uncompleted.includes(:executor, :assigner).order("deadline DESC").paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: Task.pagination_per_page)

Add following line in rails_helper.

config.include ControllerMacros, :type => :controller 

SEE this thread.

I am assuming this only fails in rspec. When you test in browser it works fine.

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