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Devise User testing with RSpec

I've integrated Devise with my RoR app and am now trying to test my Controllers, specifically the one that routes me to my root_url .

I've used this HOWTO on Devise's page to setup my admin/user Factories, but there is an additional component that is part of my user signup process, which is creating a Company .


User : has_one :company

Company : has_many :users

The flow for a new user looks like this:

  1. User signs up
  2. User confirms account (via email) and is redirected to the login page
  3. User logs in
  4. User fills out Company information and submits
  5. User is then redirected to Pages#home (which is my root_url )

Using Devise's HOWTO, I created a ControllerHelpers file within Support :

module ControllerHelpers
  def login_user
    before(:each) do
      @request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user]
      user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
      user.confirm # or set a confirmed_at inside the factory. Only necessary if you are using the "confirmable" module
      sign_in user

I suspect there is something wrong with my User Factory since it doesn't seem like a Company is being created, but I'm so new to RSpec, I'm unsure.

FactoryGirl.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name "Test"
    last_name "User"
    full_name "Test User"
    email "test@user.com"
    phone_number "111-222-3333"
    terms_accepted true
    time_zone "Central Time (US & Canada)"
    password "password"
    password_confirmation "password"
    confirmed_at Date.today
    association :company

And I have a company.rb factory as well:

FactoryGirl.define do

  factory :company do
    id 1
    name "ACME Test"
    address_1 "123 Shady Lane."
    address_2 "Suite 400"
    city "Testville"
    state "Test"
    zip_code "12345"
    has_payment_plan false
    stripe_id "cus_34d434343e4e3e3"
    locked false

My pages_controller_spec.rb is simple at this point:

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe PagesController, :type => :controller do

  describe "User: GET #home" do

    it "signs in the user" do
      expect(response).to render_template(:home)

This results in the following RSpec error:

1) PagesController User: GET #home signs in the user
 Failure/Error: expect(response).to render_template(:home)
   expecting <"home"> but was a redirect to <http://test.host/companies/new>
 # ./spec/controllers/pages_controller_spec.rb:10:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

So, it's not even doing the render_template portion of my test?

UPDATE: Added Home Controller


def home
    if current_user && current_user.company
      @network_hosts_snip = @network_hosts_at_risk.sort_by{ |h| -h.security_percentage }.first(5)
      @issues = @issues.sort_by{ |i| -i.cvss_score }.first(5)
      @deferred_issues = @company.deferred_issues.last(5)
      @deferred_hosts = @company.deferred_hosts.last(5)
      redirect_to new_company_path

As we found out together in the chat... Your company was created but wasn't persisted to DB. It's because you had strategy: :build in your factory.

strategy: :build means that your association object will be created but won't be persisted to DB. To persist it you should use strategy: :create . Or in your use case you can replace association :company, strategy: :build with just company . FactoryGirl is smart enough to recognize it as an association which must be created and persisted.

And you need to set up FactoryGirl association between company and subscription the same way.

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