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Decomposing a matrix to a list of first element and sub list of remaining elements in prolog

Test Case

?- decompose([[1,2,8],[3,4],[5,6]], L1, L2).
L1 = [1,3,5], L2 = [[2,8],[4],[6]] ? ;

I had tried another implementation however the feedback given was that it was inefficient.

The inefficient implementation

listFirst([], []).
listFirst([H1|T1], [H2|Z]):-
    H1 = [H2|_],
    listFirst(T1, Z).

listFollowers([], []).
listFollowers([H1|T1], [T2|Z]):-
    H1 = [H2|T2],
    listFollowers(T1, Z).

decompose(A,L1,L2) :-
    listFollowers(A, L2),
    listFirst(A, L1).

Following up on @findall's previous answer ... How about using maplist/4 ?

list_head_tail([X|Xs], X, Xs).

decompose(Mss, Hs, Ts) :-
   maplist(list_head_tail, Mss, Hs, Ts).

Sample queries:

?- decompose([[a,b,c],[d,e,f]], Heads, Tails).
Heads = [a,d], Tails = [[b,c],[e,f]].

?- decompose([[1,2,8],[3,4],[5,6]], L1, L2).
L1 = [1,3,5], L2 = [[2,8],[4],[6]].

As lurker says, the functions of your listFirst and listFollowers can be combined into a predicate to do those at once. Like this;

decompose([[H|T]|T0], [H|L1], [T|L2]) :- decompose(T0, L1, L2).
decompose([], [], []).

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