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Formatting Bigdecimal. JavaFX

I want to print BigDecimal in TableColumn in my JavaFx application. But I can't properly format it.

I've tried this:

DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#,###.00");
tc_ma_sell_amount.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> new SimpleStringProperty(df.format(cellData.getValue().getSellAmount()).toString()));

Format is ok, it prints 1 005 689.56. But problem here is when I sort table according to this column in my application, it refers to this values as if they are Strings and sorting is not correct.

I made following changes:

tc_ma_sell_amount.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> new SimpleObjectProperty<BigDecimal>(cellData.getValue().getSellAmount()));

Here, format is not ok. (1005689.5600), but sorting works correctly. What do I have to change in order to have right format("#,###.00") and sorting?

I did it myself.

tc_ma_sell_amount.setCellFactory(param -> {
            return new TableCell<ConversionDeals, BigDecimal>(){
                protected void updateItem(BigDecimal item, boolean empty) {
                    super.updateItem(item, empty);
                    if(empty || item == null){
                    } else {

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