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What is the best way to achieve updating a DOM element with vanilla Javascript?

I would like to have aa div that does the following using vanilla javascript:

  1. Fades out completely
  2. Updates with new content
  3. Positions to new screen coordinates
  4. Fades back in

Cancelling fades mid way through also, so if a user clicks a button 20 times quickly, it doesn't fade in/fade out 20 times, just the most recent time.

Here is where I'm at right now: https://jsfiddle.net/d685Ledu/


  <div id="wrapper">
    <p>Content content</p>

  <button id="button">click me</button>

<script type="text/javascript">
var wrapper = document.getElementById('wrapper');
var fadeSpeed = 0.01;

document.getElementById('button').addEventListener('click', function(){

function updateDiv() {
    wrapper.innerHTML= '<div>lots</div><div>of</div><div>new</div><div>content</div>';

function moveDiv() {
  wrapper.style.top = '100px';
  wrapper.style.left = '100px';

function fadeIn() {
    var opacity = 0;

  function increase() {
    opacity += fadeSpeed;
    if (opacity >= 1){
     wrapper.style.opacity = 1;
     return true;
     wrapper.style.opacity = opacity;


function fadeOut() {
    var opacity = 1;

    function decrease() {
    opacity -= fadeSpeed;
    if (opacity <= 0){
      wrapper.style.opacity = 0;
      return true;
    wrapper.style.opacity = opacity;


What is the most idiomatic way to achieve this?

You need to update margin-left and margin-right if you're simply trying to update that specific div.

That being said, change your moveDiv function to:

 function moveDiv() {   

Like I said in my second comment, I highly suggest you look into a framework.


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