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Subcircuits in HSpice netlist?

Working on Hspice first time so please bear with me. I need to write netlist for CMOS And gate. Currently, I had finished writing and testing of CMOS-Nand & inverter part.

1. CMOS Nand Gate 在此处输入图片说明

2. Cmos inverter 在此处输入图片说明

I know to to implement AND gate, I need to to connect output of NAND gate to the input of inverter.

I know that I can define NAND and Inverter as my subcircuits. But in this approach I need to wirte down their code in the subckt part which will increase the complexity of netlist.

My question is that is any other way so that I can directly use the above written netlist or write the subckts in other file and import them?

As mentioned in the above comment we can write subcircuits(or any other part of netlist) in a different file(.txt) to reduce the length of your .sp file.

eg, I had specified the subcircuit in a different script and included it as:

.include "/misc1/analog1/Sehwag_final/scl180_analog/netlist/puf/puf_script/script_3.txt"

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